Monday, March 8, 2010


I know I have posted something similar to what I am going to say, but I am going to say it again.

I have decided that watching kids grow up is hard on my heart. Even as I rejoice with kids on each new step of life’s adventure, my heart has pangs watching them go. As you all know, our oldest Ether, now 20 years old is serving a mission in Colombia, South America and he is doing great! Our 18 year old daughter Marikita is in her Freshman year at college and doing great! Marissa is a Junior and oh too soon will be a senior in 5 months! Sigh. Just when they were getting all civilized and are so danged fun to be around…....I wish I could tell all my friends how to prepare for the days when the kids start leaving the house. When all the kids were little I remember people older than me saying "they grow up so fast." I kept thinking, oh...that is a long time away! How do parents survive all this growing up, anyway..? Realizing how fast kids grow up makes me want to hug everyone more.

1 comment:

Kim said...

I know it's been hard for you and I know my time is coming oh too soon...
Love to you....